Make a donation.
Thank you for donating to Bassoons Without Borders! We look forward to sharing your generosity with the greater community. We strive to promote inclusivity and accessibility in our field, and we aim to allow access to all who wish to work with world-renowned artists. With your help, we have the opportunity to change the landscape of the field and inspire all bassoonists who wish to grow in their musical journey. As always, ten percent of all income, your gift included, will be donated to Doctors Without Borders.
Thanks to our new partnership with Creative Young Women Inc, your donation today is tax deductible.
“Incredible lesson. I feel so inspired.”
-- Josh Elmore
“I really want to appreciate you for allowing me to audit your program for free. It was really a life-changing one for me in my bassoon career. It really motivated me to love the bassoon more and seeing other young talented and vibrant bassoonists like me even gave me the motivation to move on even without an instrument. And also watch and listen to my mentors like You, Gustavo Nunez, Sophie Dervaux, Andrew Brady, Whitney Crockett, and even Joshua Elmore (I love him because he is black like me). It was a life-changing experience for me. Thanks so much and God bless you.”
-- Olusamire Stephen